Struggling with Disinformation

02 Dec 2022
16:30 - 17:30  CET

Against the backdrop of an ever-shifting global and regional geopolitical landscape, the spread of disinformation and misinformation revolving around the current global crises (the Covid-19 pandemic, the climate change, and the war in Ukraine) could fuel further instability in the already fragile MENA and the Sahel regions. These phenomena require an effective and coordinated response at national and transnational levels.  

What lessons can be drawn from these crises to tackle disinformation and misinformation campaigns? What measures are proving to be the most efficient in addressing these phenomena? What sets disinformation in Europe apart from the same phenomenon in the MENA and the Sahel regions? How can governments and civil societies in the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean respond to these threats? 


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