Miki Zaide

Director of Planning Division

Israel Water Authority

Miki Zaide deals with strategic planning, managing the project of long term master plan for the Israeli water sector.

His specialties: Defining objectives and goals in the water sector, development of D.S.S (Decision Support Systems), development forecasting water demand methodologies, development of indices for the water sector sustainability, estimation of development program for the water sector, building scenarios, cost – benefit analysis.

Leading the projects: master plan for the Israeli national water system, Master plan for Sewage and reclamation, master plan for water to nature, prioritization of development plan.


10:00 - 11:00 CET
MED Panels
A Thirsty Region: How to Tackle Water Scarcity?

with: Enrico Molinaro, Shaddad Attili, Paolo Conversi, Grammenos Mastrojeni, Jyotsna Puri, Miki Zaide

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