T20 Forum on Social Cohesion


Tito Boeri

Lead Co-Chair of T20 TF6 on Social Cohesion and the Future of Welfare Systems; Professor of Economics, Bocconi University; Former President of the Italian Social Security Administration (INPS)

Tito Boeri is full professor of economics at Bocconi University. He was Centennial Professor at the London School of Economics, where he is currently Senior Visiting Professor. After obtaining his Ph.D. in Economics from New York University, he was senior economist at the OECD from 1987 to 1996. He was also consultant to the IMF, the World Bank, The European Commission, the ILO, and the Italian Government. From 2015 to 2019, he was President of the Italian Social Security administration. He is Scientific Advisor of the Ing. Rodolfo Debenedetti Foundation and he is research fellow at CEPR, CEP-LSE, IZA, Netspar and Igier-Bocconi. He is the founder of the economic policy watchdog website www.lavoce.info, in the editorial board of www.voxeu.org, and the Scientific Director of the Festival of Economics in Trento.

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