Maurizio Raeli, jurist by profession, has been the Director of CIHEAM Bari since January 2017. During his professional career he has held numerous positions: Coordinator of SINAB – National Information System of Organic Agriculture; Board Member of ISA (Agri-food Development Institute), financial company of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MIPAF); member of the teaching staff for the PhD program in “Environment, Resources and Sustainable Development” of the University of Naples Parthenope; Director of the Regional Union for Land Reclamation and Land Improvement Improvements for Puglia. From 1988 to 2001 he was Chief Administrator of CIHEAM Bari and, from 2001 to 2016, Assistant Director of the Italian headquarters of CIHEAM, as well as coordinator of numerous International Master Courses realized in collaboration with academic and scientific institutions in the Mediterranean Region and international cooperation projects financed by the European Union, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italian International Cooperation, Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Puglia Region. Responsible for the development and management of the Organic Biological Agriculture sector of the Istituto di Bari of CIHEAM, since 2006 he coordinates the international research network MOAN (Mediterranean Organic Agriculture Network) composed of representatives of the Ministries of Agriculture of 25 Euro-Mediterranean Countries. Author and co-author of over 50 articles and scientific publications on issues related to international cooperation, natural resources, organic Mediterranean agriculture.