
Gonzalo Escribano

Senior Analyst and Director, Energy and Climate Change Programme, Elcano Royal Institute

Gonzalo Escribano heads the Energy and Climate Programme at the Elcano Royal Institute. He is also Professor of Applied Economics at the UNED. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Madrid’s Complutense University, and he has been a Visiting Researcher at Florida State University and the Autonomous University of Madrid, and Associate Researcher at the Centro Español de Relaciones Internacionales (Fundación Ortega y Gasset). He also lectures in different postgraduate programmes at numerous Spanish and foreign universities on energy geopolitics and the political economy of North Africa. He has participated in various research projects, including the EU’s VII Framework and several Euro-Mediterranean FEMISE projects funded by the European Commission. He has received the Research Award of the Spanish Economic and Social Council. 

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