
Eleonora Ardemagni

Associate Research Fellow, Italian Institute for International Studies (ISPI), Italy

Eleonora Ardemagni is an ISPI Associate Research Fellow (contributing to the MENA Centre since 2013) and her research analysis focuses on political and security issues in Yemen and the Gulf monarchies, and on Arab military forces.

Teaching Assistant at the Catholic University of Milan (MSc courses “Regional Studies Middle East”/ “History of Islamic Asia”; “New Conflicts: History, Strategy and Narrative”) and of Brescia (BA, “History and Institutions of Asian and African Countries”). Adjunct Professor at ASERI (Graduate School of Economics and International Relations, Milan), Master in Middle Eastern Studies-MIMES (seminar “Yemen: Drivers of Conflict and Security Implications”). She is also Gulf Analyst for the NATO Defense College Foundation.

Regular contributor to Aspenia online (Aspen Institute Italy) and AffarInternazionali, she is also a Middle Eastern politics commentator for the Italian newspaper Avvenire.

Her analysis appeared on Afriche e Orienti, NATO Defense College, Carnegie Sada, Carnegie Middle East Center, LSE Middle East Centre Blog, Middle East Institute, Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, ECFR Rome, Gulf Affairs, Future for Advanced Research and Studies, University of Nicosia (EMPN), POMEPS-The Project on Middle East Political Science and Fondazione Oasis.

Latest publications: “Yemen’s Defense Structure: Hybridity and Patronage after the State”, Journal of Arabian Studies (exp. 10.2, 2020); “Arab Gulf States: Expanding Roles for the Military”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of the Military in Politics, 2020; “War fighters, not health defenders: Yemen’s Houthis differ from Shia militias on COVID-19”, ORIENT-German Journal for Politics, Economics and Culture of the Middle East, 3, 2020; “La nuova Arabia Saudita: metamorfosi del potere e protagonismo geopolitico”, in Plebani A.-Redaelli R. (eds.), Dinamiche Geopolitiche conteporanee, CRiSSMA, 2020; “Beyond Yemen’s Militiadoms. Restarting from local agency”, The European Union Institute for Security Studies, EUISS Conflict Brief Series 8, 2020; “The Huthis: Adaptable Players in Yemen’s Multiple Geographies”, CRiSSMA-Catholic University, Working paper 25, 2019.

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