Alfredo DURANTE MANGONI, minister plenipotentiary, is Coordinator for Anticorruption since June 2016. In this capacity he partakes in the main multilateral fora active on anticorruption, integrity and compliance as part of the global agenda. Chair of the G20 Anticorruption Working Group. At national level, Alfredo coordinates the Tavolo inter-istituzionale di Coordinamento anticorruzione dealing with global anticorruption policies. The Tavolo has been acknowledged as a best practice in the UNCAC Second cycle review Report on Italy (2019). He launched the project Italian Business Integrity Days, to accompany major industrial groups to present their compliance programs abroad. He is also partnering with the civil society in the framework of the Milan-based Fondazione Premio Giorgio Ambrosoli, as well as with Transparency International Italia. Alfredo deals with legal diplomacy and justice/economy juncture since 2013, when was appointed diplomatic adviser to the Justice Minister. Contributor to reviews on legal affairs and lecturer in these matters at Italian Universities, High School of the Judiciary, specialized Masters. Foreign posts: Moscow (1995-99), first secretary; Benghazi (1999-2002), consul general; Tokyo (2008-2012) as Minister and deputy Head of Mission. In Rome he previously worked on development cooperation, economic affairs, EU issues (including Justice and Home Affairs), deputy Asia director and as diplomatic adviser to the Labor and Welfare Minister. In 2019 Alfredo edited the book La diplomazia giuridica, preface by Paola Severino.